Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oshkosh, Tuesday

Tuesday was another great day, but hotter and stickier (but with a cold front forecast). My talk (Air Navigation, Past, Present, Future) went well, although it wasn't as well attended as last year. But then again, everything seems to be a little bit down from last year--aircraft, visitors, campers--I assume due to the high cost of gasoline. Still, the slide show worked, no one walked out, and I was pleased with how it went.

The Author's Corner that followed was less exciting. Author's Corner is essentially a section set aside in several of the different sales venues for authors to sit and meet people interested in their book, sign copies, and make some sales. I was assigned the 400pm to 515 pm slot on a hot afternoon with an airshow going on. I got exactly zero visitors unless you want to count the one guy who thought I was an employee and wanted to know if we had a certain book he was looking for (not mine). I have two more times assigned this week, better times, I hope on cooler days, and I hope with better results.

My wife and I have walked many miles looking at aircraft of all sorts. The photo above is my favorite so far, a perfectly restored Twin Beech, circa 1946, an important year for me as well as this aircraft.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate it.